Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is this the little boy I carried?




Holy crap! Who is this person, in his IPS uniform? Today is Anthony's first day of school. It was kind of a wreck, as first days can be, I guess. It starts at 8:40 so we figured we would get there at 8:25 or so. But no one wants you to start early and I will say again, he is NEVER taking that bus! NEVER! We saw a bus picking up kids at 9:00 when we were leaving. Ugh. Just - no. ANYWAY, we met his teacher when we finally got to his classroom and she seems very nice, she has a very nice assistant, too. Anthony's old assistant from the summer, Marcus, made a special point of coming to see Anthony in the hall and wishing him luck and then he came down to the classroom to say hi. I really appreciated it, because I felt like between seeing Marcus and being in the same classroom, he maybe felt a little more familiar and better. He, of course, wasn't telling anything but that's my guess. I am going to get him in an hour, and I can't wait.
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