Sunday, August 03, 2008

On the new couch


He had a good day yesterday. Mike's mom came up to babysit - she was going to stay the night so we could go out and stay out but alas, it was not to be. So we just went out a little and she stayed with the kids. Anthony's cousin Hillary stayed over too and he just loves them. He loves to sit on Hillary and she is very patient about it. His Aunt Lori was up yesterday too and she and her friend Cara (sp) gave Anthony a bath and put him to bed while Ruth dealth with Maria, who appparently cried quite a bit. ANYWAY, regarding Anthony, he loves playing with them and had a really nice time. He is off of school all week, I'm not sure what we're doing early in the week but Mike is taking the end of the week off from work and we're going to go to the Fair one day. God help us. :) EDITED TO SAY: Today he is having a good day too, but man he whacked me so hard in the nose before I almost cried. He was sitting in my lap and I was thinking how sweet he was when BLAM! out of nowhere he hit my nose with the back of his head. It was hours ago and my head still hurts.
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