Monday, August 18, 2008



This was Anthony's first weekend off since he's back in school. He did fine, he and Mike took a nice walk to the DQ and he got a strawberry shake. That's a long walk, too, but he seems to like it. He still fights Mike at each crosswalk about holding his hand. He was up super early (3:00, 5:00) the last several mornings. I think this morning he didn't wake up until around 6:00, which isn't bad. I sent a list of food that he likes to eat to school today. His teacher asked for it last week. It's so funny to make a list like that, I put all the food that he likes and then I made a note that said that he will eat his food warm, but I think he prefers it cold. He likes green beans, but he likes to eat them from the can and to drink the water that the beans come in. But I just said 'green beans'.
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