Friday, September 26, 2008

Eating Grapes, Friday Morning




This child. He was up at 3:30 when I went to feed the OTHER one in this house that can't sleep. Then I heard him again when I went back to hear at 6:30. She was crying since 6:00 so I don't know if it woke him up or what. I hope so, I hate to think that he's been up since 3:30. He seems fine. We leave his shirt off in the morning until right before he leaves, it gives him kind of a playboy look right? I should get him an ascot.

I'm glad today is Friday, he's had a long week already. He had school every day and OT on Tuesday at the new place and PT at the new place on Wednesday. It's a lot. We're not going to do much this weekend, I've been sick and so far neither of them have gotten it and I am hoping to keep it that way! I wash my hands so much it's ridiculous. Anyway, happy friday!
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