Friday, September 19, 2008



He was *insane* when he woke up this morning. I should say when he was let out of his room. He was awake and noisy at 4:15 when I went to feed Maria and Mike heard him at 6:10. I hope and pray he went back to sleep between those times, but it's more likely that we just didn't hear him. I don't know what to do - we can't keep him up any later than we do because he is *exhausted* by 7:00 but waking up at 4:00 for the day is ridiculous, unless he wants to work on some farm that we don't know about. :)
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  1. He's so cute. That is SOOOO freakin' early J! I used to let Carter sleep for 1 hour after school before dinner, then wake him - we just made that a routine so that he would go to bed closer to 8:00 pm or thereafter. It might take a week or more to get used to that, but it may be worth it to not hear him at 4:00 am. Oy!

  2. I hope you had fun on your date! I think you are doing the right thing- just pretend like he is sleeping and convince yourself it is true. Thanks for your support. Sleep deprivation makes everything a million times harder. Man- he's cute though. God makes them that way- he knows how tricky....
