Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh, Anthony




This is yesterday after his hissy fit that lasted, it seemed, forever. Yesterday when I took the pictures I was so mad and thought he looked so mean but this morning, posting them, he looks so sad and upset. He recovered and we moved on yesterday - he was super tired, he had woken up at 4:30 and didn't go back to sleep. He went to sleep last night around 7:00 and was up *again* when I went to feed Maria at 4:30. He was kicking the living hell out of the wall next to his bed, so I went in and pulled the bed away from the wall, covered him up with his blanket, and left and shortly after he was quiet.

We are going on Monday for yet another evaluation at a pediatric therapy place and I am HOPING that we can get him involved in some weekly therapy to add to what he gets in school. It was like this when he started in First Steps, too -he gets very stirred up and, I think, doesn't know what to do with it. His speech therapist emailed me yesterday and told me she 'adored' him, so that's nice. At least someone does! Ha! Kidding!
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