Saturday, October 18, 2008

Watch your step, Sybil


Ha, just kidding. There is just one of him! We had a good Saturday today, after such a long, bad week. We took the kids to Tuttle's Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch. It was really fun and just beautiful weather. Of course, us being us, we forgot the stroller and the camera but we carried Maria in the Bjorn and we took pictures with Mike's iPhone. I'll post them later, I have to email them to myself. Although it's kind of the 'new normal', we had a good time. I mean, it might not be a good time for everyone to sit in a weird corn crib cabin for 20 minutes, but Anthony was good and didn't have any major breakdowns. We got a pumpkin and some apples and I'm going to make this crazy good apple cake from my friend Carrie's recipe. We got out in the fresh air on a beautiful day and we are trying to just do normal stuff.
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