Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Autism Awareness

This is a good video to start off Autism Awareness Month, even though I am early.  I am so impressed that the four year old in the video can answer the question, "what's your name?" and "how old are you?".  I asked Anthony tonight, after seeing the video, "what's your name?" and he said, as you may have guessed, NOTHING.  I hate to be impatient, I don't want it to ever be that I want Anthony to be anyone but who he is, and if he can't talk, I don't want him to, FINE, WHATEVER, I figure.  BUT when he does say some things, I think, well, why not answer a question?  What the hecka?

Mine is really not to reason why, I know.  I KNOW.  But we are going to keep trying with Anthony.  He's clearly not happy, he clearly wants more out of his life, and so do I.  So do all of us.  He has so many people pulling for him and so many people working with him and he works so hard, I keep thinking, something has to click, something has to work for him so he can communicate better.  It has to.  I pray every day for a miracle but not one that means he will talk, or say his name or whatever.  I pray for a miracle that he can find his way, that something makes him want to be interested in us and in the world.  I know miracles happen, I just want one of our own.  And I want it now.  :)

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