Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Ugh, this poor baby was sick this weekend, and into yesterday.  We knew something was weird when he got right into bed after his bath, pulled up his covers, and went to sleep.  Mike and I were looking at each other, like what in the WHO now?  But he was very plucky, even though he didn't feel good.  He just slept and rested and would come downstairs every now and again and eat, and then right back up.  He probably didn't have the energy for any real protests.  He is always sweet, but never sweeter than when he is sick.

BUT he's better today and back at school and since I haven't heard anything, I'm assuming he's doing fine.  Speaking of school, I guess I am not going to talk about it anymore on this blog.  It's hard, because I've been documenting his life for six years on this blog, but I am seeing some verrrry strange searches that lead people here, like one said "anthony autism blog little star center".  Um, I can't imagine, who could that be? :)  I started Anthony's blog so that my friends and family could see what our lives are like, so that my family that is far away could see the kids' pictures and feel like they weren't so far away.  It's become important to me to say what's going on in our lives, in Anthony's life, because I lose perspective when I am in it and don't have anyone to talk to.  But I'm afraid it's going to be used against me, against Anthony, and I can't risk it.  I am thinking about just moving the blog to a private list, but I honestly don't have the time to enter all the emails of people who look at it, etc.  So I'll just not say anything about what's going on with Anthony at school, or at least try to keep my opinions out of it.  This is challenging for me, as you can imagine, ha!

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