Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long Time

I have so many thoughts when I see this picture! I was just looking through Picasa tonight, trying to find a picture to print out for Mike's grandmother's letter. Here are my thoughts:

I loved those pajamas, I wore them OUT. I had two pair and it was such a uniform for me. They were from Target and I never found another pair that I liked as much, to date.

I look so freaking young, don't I? I do, trust me. I had long hair. I look pretty thin, too. Waaah!

Anthony was so cute, so OVER me all the time, he looks kind of mad, right? But look at his sweet mouth and cheeks. He had more hair as a baby than any of them.

I can't believe this was six years ago. I can't believe I used to think how much easier it would get. But it doesn't really get easier, just hard in a different way.

I bought him a new pool for a ball pit. I swear I am going to make it my LIFE'S WORK to make this ball pit work for him. It's a giant pool, 110" long, it's almost as big as his bed! It has higher sides and he can really get in there. I'm going to get more balls for it. What he does right now is climb in and rub his belly on the sides, which is good. I mean, he likes a smooth surface and better the pool than my belly, ha! But then he starts throwing the balls out of the pool, which, ugh, is NOT the point. So I'm going to try more balls and see where we go from there. I know I have said balls a lot, I can't help it, ha!

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