Thursday, March 01, 2012


Anthony is sick, and he can't go to the circus today, which was the scheduled field trip at school.  That is the bad news.  The good news is that he is by FAR the healthiest of all four, well, maybe it's a tie between him and Felicity, but he has only thrown up once, yesterday, and nothing since.  Now his sickness is taking the form of sleeping in this morning and being incredibly noisy and fretful about being home from school.

There's a woman who I read on the internet who has twins who are nine months old and one is in the hospital, with RSV and has to have oxygen and she is nursing both, it sounds so horrible and impossible.  I am trying to think of her this week and think of how even though all the kids are sick, they are all here and not in the hospital. I am tired but I'm not as tired as I could be.  We have, overall, been lucky this cold and flu season, but still.  It's a pain!  And he doesn't care about going to the circus, I don't think, but I'm still sad about it.

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