Saturday, December 02, 2006


He is wearing the medal that he got at the end of his Toddler & Me class, he loves it. He was soaking wet when I went in to get him this morning (at 6:15, he got up at 5:47) so I changed him in the dark into his "Dogpatch" clothes. We are going out this morning, hoping that by keeping him busy maybe he'll take a good nap and then sleep a little better. It feels like we are starting over with this sleeping thing and we are not happy about it. He's watching Go! Baby! in these pictures, it's a mini-show on Disney that he loves - like he goes crazy with happiness when it's on.

He'll be 18 months old a week from today. He says Daddy, Mama, dog, shoes, bye bye, hi, beep, eat, hot, cat, ball, and NO, among other things. He can tell you that a cow moos, a sheep baas and a dog woofs. He still prefers to sign baby, milk and shoes. We don't go to his 18 month checkup until the 22nd, I'll post his stats then. If I don't post things here, I'm finding, I don't write them anywhere, as his baby book I had for him only goes through one year.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    He's brilliant! Did you get a medal too? Love, Mom
