Sunday, January 21, 2007


Friday he seemed kind of like he had a cold and I do too, so we didn't think much of it. Friday night he barely slept, it seemed, he was never really awake but moaning and coughing all night. Saturday morning, he was completely inconsolable, we had to put him in the bath to stop him from crying. Mike called the doctor and the weekend nurse called back and said it sounded like he should maybe go to Riley Emergency Room. So off we went. He has croup and needed a breathing treatment (involving an oxygen type mask that hissed and spit steam, you can imagine how that went over) and two needles (one in each thigh) of a steroid. We spent most of the morning there and although he had a rough time going to sleep last night, he ended up sleeping all night again and seems better today. We've been home, except for the hospital visit, since Friday and we're kind of sick of each other. Or maybe that's just me. :)

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