Sunday, March 02, 2008

New Shoes


So yesterday we went to Stride Rite and got Anthony two new pairs of shoes, we measured his feet and they were a 9W. But neither of them fit, and we don't even have his old sneakers anymore, because he stepped in the toilet at Mike's mother's house in his old sneakers and we threw them away. Mike tried to take him for a walk today while Maria and I were at Costco and he put on the new sneakers and he thought they seemed tight, too. They do seem to be kind of narrow shoes in general. ANYWAY, Mike called me when I was at Costco and told me about the sneakers not fitting either so I picked up a pair of Crocs at Costco (way too small) and then Maria and I stopped at Penney's and I got him two pairs of Vans - they are cute, right? You can hardly see them but trust me, they're cute and they're also cut kind of wide. I got a 9 and a 10 and I think we'll just keep both, he's wearing the 9. It is no big deal to stop at two places when you're with Maria - Anthony hates to get in and out of the car so I am in the habit of only going one place but she doesn't even know where she is, really. So that's been our Sunday.
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