Saturday, July 05, 2008

Your Preschooler This Week

Here's what my developmental newsletter that I get every week says about this week for Anthony:

Your Little Chatterbox

Even kids who were slow to begin talking usually enter this year completely fluent. It's incredible how sophisticated your child's command of the language has become, considering that just a few months ago all he could say was "Dada."

Ha - we're not exactly there yet with Anthony!

He is starting school on Monday. We are excited and nervous. He is going from 8:00-1:00, five days a week. Mike is off work on Monday so we're going to take him together and then I'll report back how it goes. I didn't take any pictures today but I got that newsletter in my email and I wanted to comment on it. I hope and pray that someday (soon?) he'll catch up to where he's supposed to be.

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