Friday, October 03, 2008


I didn't take any pictures of Anthony today, but he is downstairs with Mike and Maria has already gone to bed, so I wanted to make note of a milestone. I took Anthony and Maria to the grocery store today. Together! It was not a great visit, but it wasn't bad, either. I was scared, but we were out of his ice cream and I figured what the hell. I thought he would sit in the big part of the cart and Maria could sit in the front BUT he climbed up into the front part so I had to carry Maria and steer the cart around. We had a minor altercation about Wheat Thins and how they need to be opened before you can eat them, but it got resolved pretty quickly. I always get so worried about how he's going to be but then I swear, so many kids are so, so bad in stores, and they're not even autistic! So I'm trying not to worry so much. We are looking forward to the weekend, as usual. Ha - I don't know if anyone else is, but I am!

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