Thursday, October 23, 2008



Anthony slept in this morning until 9:00 because he was up for some amount of time at around 5:00. He sounded CRAZY when I was up feeding Maria and then I went in to turn off his nightlight and sound machine and I noticed the sheet was pulled off the bed! I guess he thinks it's time for the maid to change them? He was soaking wet this morning, and of course the first thing he does when he comes down is to give me a big hug, which is sweet and also gross. So I changed him but he didn't want to get dressed, he doesn't, lately. He also found that Nuk somewhere. Soon we are going to have to just go through the house and clear out all of his Nuks but I want it to be right before I go on a long vacation so he can work out the bugs while I'm gone. Maybe a month? :)
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