Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkins and Llamas and Goats (oh my)




He was so good in the wagon but we had kind of an issue by the baby goats. They were very friendly, put their faces right up through the grate, and everything. Some little girl came over and went to touch the goat and Anthony (who cannot abide anyone touching anything) snatched her hand right away and sort of dropped it by her side. She was little, less than two, and she looked at me like "what the hell?" So I fell all over myself, got in between her and Anthony and said I was so sorry and her mom said "It's okay, Grace, just touch the goat" and I said "it's fine, I'm sorry, he doesn't really know better". The mom was super nice but that little girl looked like she wanted to smack BOTH of us!
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