Saturday, November 22, 2008

He's sick



God, they are both sick and driving us mad! His shirt was bothering him before, which is why it's off, but really, the fact is, he is hardly ever dressed. We went to see Mike's grandmother today and it was actually a nice visit. The drive there and especially back? Were terrible. But now it's almost bedtime so we can take it for a few more minutes. He was up in the night, at 1:30 and still at 3:00. Maria was up crying on the hour every hour so ... we're tired and grumpy! Anthony fell asleep before sitting in my lap, he is so pathetic. He had some low moments since then, but I have been rubbing lotion on his back and neck (I figure he is sore and hurting, from his cold) and I have been putting a warm wet washcloth on his eyes and nose, which is running without end. I don't think he's said five words all day, he is hurting for sure.
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1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! We all have/had it this week too. Ava brought it home from school also and she gave it to all of us. I feel like I am in snotville;-)
