Monday, May 04, 2009


He was sick this morning and stayed home from school and therapy. He woke up at 4:00 and was super noisy but then quiet after like 6:00. Then he was making noise at like 7:30 so I went in and got him, we hung out, and all was well. Then I got him dressed and we went downstairs and gave him a pancake and he threw up all over himself! Then he laid around for the next three hours and then POOF! he was better. I don't know what the deal is, if he just got sick from wolfing down two pieces of pancake, and then it wiped him out or if he had a ... eight hour bug? He seems so much better now, and just ate a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner so maybe he's fine.
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  1. He looks really grown up in these pictures...

  2. That's funny, considering he's in a baby swing! :)
