Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long week, already

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UPDATE: He is fine, thank God. He whacked his head on the door of the garage but the swelling went down right away, he let me put some ice on it for two seconds, and then a band aid. Poor Anthony.


  1. Wow! What happened to his forehead? Ouch!

  2. Did he have to get stiches?

  3. Did Maria get sick of his crap or what?? LOL.

  4. He hit it on the door when Mike was carrying him out of the garage. He likes to get under the Jeep, as evidenced by the dirty picture the other day, but we are worried that he'll try to get under it when it's all hot. Plus he gets beyond filthy. But he whacked his head, flailing around when Mike was bringing him in. He didn't get stitches, it was a goose egg like that for maybe 10 minutes and it never really bled - I think he scraped it more than had a big cut. We were able to keep a band aid on it most of the day, which was good, as before that he was just wiping the blood on my tshirt. Sigh.
