Friday, June 12, 2009

Anthony's Birthday

We had cake for his birthday on the night of his birthday. He wouldn't blow out the candle, just tried to grab it by the flame, so I had to blow it out quickly. He never ate any of the cake, either. Still it was fun and the cake was really good! My sister Laura got him a set of sheets, which he needed and she also gave him a jumping ball thing? Like it's a big ball and it has a handle on it, so you kind of ride it and bounce on it? It's super cute. Mike and I bought him some sidewalk paint, like chalk, but paint. Supposedly, he likes painting at school, we'll see.
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  1. that's a cute cake! And I know just the jumping ball you're talking about!

  2. That is the exact same cake we got for Ellie's birthday (except in chocolate. Viva Costco!
