Tuesday, June 16, 2009


He fell asleep yesterday on the way to therapy, for like 15 minutes, and that of course meant he didn't go to sleep last night until God knows when. I wanted to get a picture of him in this outift, it looked really cute, but he wasn't (shock) cooperating. His teacher asked if we could keep him in a collared shirt, since he has been wearing his vest at school because he's so crazy, and the collared shirt protects him from getting scratched on his neck. This shirt is from my cousins Brian and Janet - he can't wear it during the school year because he has to wear solid colors, so I'm glad to get him in it this summer.
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Edited to add his four year well child stats - he was 41 1/2 inches tall and 45 pounds. He's in good health and he was so good when the nurse took his blood pressure, I was impressed and relieved. He has been the devil himself since we got home, so there is never not a punishment, but at least he was good for a while.

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