Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Isn't he cute? This outfit is from my mom. The picture is from yesterday, ugh it was a hard day. It rained and then the power went out around 10:00. Our babysitter stayed until 11:30 and then Mike came home and we went to my mom and dad's for the rest of the day. That's hard too, but more on Maria than Anthony, as he doesn't have to take a nap or anything. He does love to whack our tv, though, and he is of course not allowed to hit my dad's, so we have to keep a hard eye on him. He is starting school a week from Monday. Praise God!
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1 comment:

  1. Adri loves to throw things and my mom just got a new flatscreen tv so it's very hard to be there w/ her. I'm SO afraid Adrienne is going to throw a block right into the tv.
