Saturday, October 31, 2009


Mike and Anthony, going for a walk. He had a pretty good week, even though he was up every damned night. It can be very upsetting to listen to him in there. I try to ignore it and even if I listen, he does sound like he's enjoying himself, most of the time, but man. It's difficult. I worry about what will happen when we put Vernoica in with Maria, what if she can't sleep through that noise? But it's stupid to worry, I'm sure it will all change up here soon. We are going to school Halloween party today, it will be our first social outing with Anthony's schoolmates. I'm looking forward to it and I don't have that normal feeling of dread when we go somewhere, because all the kids will be autistic, all the parents will be parents of an autistic child, and I won't have to worry about Anthony seeming so different. Because he won't be!
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