Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ice Cream

He really likes his ice cream. He loves shakes and ice cream sandwiches, now. He used to love coffee ice cream bars and fruit pops. He goes through phases for what kind of ice cream he likes but there hasn't ever been a point in the last four years where he hasn't liked SOME ice cream or other. "Ice crease" he calls it. So cute.

He has been saying YES! and NO! recently. He doesn't really say them appropriately, but it's so fun to hear. He was sick yesterday but just headed out the door, back to school, today. He starts at his other school this Thursday, God only knows how that will go.

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1 comment:

  1. Jack loves him some ice cream sandwiches, but they are really, really messy. At least the way he eats them. He's moved on to brownies now.

    Good luck on Thursday!
