Monday, September 06, 2010

Good News/Bad News

The good news is, Anthony was so, so good at the store today.  He was good when we all went and he mostly rode in the cart, and he was good later when he went with Mike and walked around the store, holding his hand. 

The bad news is that he has been miserable a lot this weekend. 

The good news is that Anthony has found a thing that he really likes.  He really likes to play in dirt and with rocks, just like a typical boy, right?

The bad news is that he likes to drip the dirt and rocks right near his eye and sometimes he gets the dirt in his eyes and that gets him really upset. 

The good news is that today is Labor Day, a holiday that we all take time off of work and appreciate our lives. 

The bad news is that Anthony's therapists have to get holidays too and he HATED being here today. All day, he was like, 'what the hell?  Why am I still here?'

The good news is that Maria and Veronica love Anthony so, so much.  I feel like they are built in friends for him.  Maria wants to be with him all the time.  '

The bad news is sometimes Anthony really wants to be alone. 

I try not to judge our lives, I try not to judge Anthony's life, but sometimes, after a long weekend, it's hard not to.  On to this week, Anthony will have occupational therapy twice and speech therapy twice and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, things will start looking up and we can see less and less of these soul sucking tantrums. 

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