Thursday, November 18, 2010


I am so dedicated to posting every damned day this month that I am posting from a bar, on my phone! Aren't I wonderful? Ha! I was thinking about being thankful because thanksgiving is coming up. So. I am thankful that my sister Laura is babysitting tonight, so Mike and I can go out and I can ignore him and post this, ha. But seriously, I would not make it through my life without her and especially the last few years. She comes over every Thursday on my long days and everyone poops on the floor and yells and it's crazy but she stays anyway, even bringing dinner sometimes! I am praying she gets this job she wants, even if it means no more weekly visits. Aren't I selfless? ;)

the kids loooove her. Maria came down from her nap today and saw her pOcketbook and said "Lolo's here!". Anthony loves her so much, he melts into her arms most days. And he is so comfortable with her, he has no problem pooping on the floor right where she is about to step, ha!
I am thankful for many things, and many family members especially, but this will be all I'll discuss tonight, as I am already weeping in the bar. Lame.

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