Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So we are going to get Anthony an iPad.  I have heard a lot about how great iPads are for kids with autism, but I figured Anthony was too young.  Then my friend Susannah told me about a friend of hers, whose daughter is like TWO, and she has one.  I read this woman's blog about her daughter, Maya, and specifically about the iPad.  I got so excited when I saw the video that she made, and I thought we could do it too!  What the hell?  Why not? Anthony is almost six, so maybe he's not too young!

I talked to two of Anthony's therapists about it and they seemed really excited and on board, which is wonderful.  I have been advised to wait until April, because of how it all works at Apple, and so I think we are going to take some tax return money and get Anthony an iPad.  !!!  I'm going to check out some of the apps on my phone and hopefully learn some about it before we start.  When I think of the possibilities - that maybe Anthony could start communicating better and in a way that makes him happier - I want to plop down on the floor and cry.

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