Monday, October 03, 2011


BOY he is having a rough time of it at night here lately!  He had one 'big bump in the road' today this morning and one 'bump in the road' this afternoon at school, that's what his therapists call it.  Now he is flipping the flip OUT in his room and it is giving me agita, which I already have pretty bad anyway.  I went in there and he was fine, just tense and sad and probably tired.  I don't know if I should go back in, if he is thirsty, hungry, what the hell.  This is a very challenging part of Anthony, these behaviors.  He is banging the HELL out of his door and he is sure to wake the girls.

He kept messing with and breaking every night light so my parents gave me one that I could put in his closet.  But then he wouldn't stay out of his closet and he kept SHUTTING himself in there and banging on that door.  So we turned off the light, and now maybe he's mad?  He is really kicking that door so I better stop and go see him.

How I wish I had the answer for any of it.  ANY of it.


  1. Will he let you near him? With my kids, they are often craving sensory input. -- just rubbing their back or hugging them tight is sometimes comforting and calming, but every kid is different. I hope you all can get some rest soon.

  2. He totally lets me near him and actually, last night I went back in and gave him a drink of water, which he took and then I rubbed his feet (his calves are SUPER tight so I try to do some stretches like I do for my plantar fascitis) and we chatted and he drank some more water and he was just ... better.

    I don't like to always go in when he is having a behavior, because I don't want to communicate to him that THAT'S how he should communicate, but it's hard and confusing. Sometimes he doesn't need me and sometimes he does. Tonight was better. I hope tomorrow even better, still! Thanks!

  3. Hang in there!! You're doing an AMAZING job!!!!!!
