Friday, November 04, 2011


He really likes to jump off stuff. I wish he weren't so crazy, I'd get him a bigger trampoline. I'm afraid he'd break his neck, though. He's jumping off the couch, here. I was nursing the baby and couldn't get up but I could record it, ha! It's blurry but he never stops moving. He's had a good week, a pretty good toilet training week. He dressed up as a rock and roller for Halloween and won best costume! We wanted to take advantage of his hair. Don't tell him but I bought him a small swimming pool and some ball-pit balls for Christmas. I'm going to give it to him for his room and I hope he'll enjoy it before he goes to sleep. He loved the one they had set up at his camp this summer. He still has some rough mornings and some behaviors but it's kind of the new normal, right? We are just plugging away, he is so sweet and cute I can't stand it. He's doing well in school, we are doing our best. Well, ha, he is, I can't speak for myself.
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