Tuesday, May 01, 2012


I had a thought last night and I wanted to share it.  We had a long day yesterday, a long dinnertime and bath time.  I took the baby up at like 6:00 and I was STILL up with her at 8:00 and that's a long time to spend with some BABY hitting you in the face and fussing and NOT SLEEPING, especially if you've been with her all ding dang day.  Anyways.  We were tired and we were planning on having taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwiches but we had no eggs so we moved it to tonight and Mike went and got Qdoba while I put the baby to bed.  FINALLY, we were eating and Anthony started crying, really crying, and Mike went up with some pretzels but he was still crying and I felt drawn up the stairs to go to him, so I did.

I went in and I started rubbing his feet and his arches are, of course, incredibly high like mine but they seem even higher because he has stretched his feet out so much.  I was rubbing his feet and looking at his feet because it seemed like maybe his foot was cramping up - like you know how sometimes you can see a charlie horse in your leg, the muscle?  I was looking at his foot for that and I noticed that the bottom of my thumb and palm fit EXACTLY in the arch of his foot.  You know how your hand is as big as your face and your foot fits in your forearm?  It was like that, my hand fits exactly in the right spot on his foot to rub it.  It was an amazing moment, it always is when he finally stops crying, but when I saw how my hand fit right there, I thought I am right where I should be.  I am right where I am supposed to be.


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    You are indeed,Josie, you are indeed. God bless. Mom

  2. Anonymous12:03 AM

    if i loved you and your family ANY more...I would burst! Guess I'll be bursting :) xoxo to your beautiful kids

    God Bless. ~Aly~

  3. What a wonderful moment!

  4. What a wonderful moment!
