Sunday, February 24, 2013


  • Tomorrow Maria and Veronica are going to Anthony's school to be peer buddies or something there.  They'll spend some time with Anthony and some time with other kids there.  I think it will be great for them, great to see other kids with autism.  
  • This sad thing happened today - Anthony was playing with Maria, they were chasing each other and he was ADORABLE, he was LOOKING BACK AT HER to make sure she was still playing.  It was so cute and great and then BLAM! he ran into the wall.  He had a giant goose egg, oh, it was awful.  He is a real tough guy and we felt like he wasn't injured but man.  Poor baby, I always think, just when he was having fun, come on, man!  It seems unfair to me but what do I know.  
  • A sad thing happened yesterday too, not to be too one note.  Mike took the baby up for a nap and Anthony, of course, went up the stairs and I went to go get him.  He hangs on the floor of the second floor, through the railing, and was laughing maniacally and I was pulling him down, but he wouldn't go, so I was really pulling him down the stairs.  That feels like a fight even if it's not, and it was so depressing.  Yesterday was a very hard day and I - ugh, it was just a bad scene.  So I was sitting on the stairs, sort of very dramatically holding my head and crying and Maria sad, Mom!  Please!, just in general, and I said, I'm sorry Maria, I'm okay, I just am tired. And she said "I wish Anthony didn't have that ... what's that thing?  Thesaurus?".  I said, 'autism?' and she said yes, that thing that makes him not really talk so well?  I said oh, Maria, we can't wish his autism away.  It's up to me and to Daddy to figure out how to help Anthony and right now I can't think of anything.  And she said, ever the optimist, maybe tomorrow!  Ha!  
  • Anthony is doing great at school and we've had ... I stopped writing and now I forget.  Oh!  We've had some successes with potty training and we are about to have some home re-training, so, that's good.  
  • He is very, very pushy and aggressive lately.  I think it's because he is, for the first time EVER, communicating his wants and getting them fulfilled and I'm sure it's confusing.  I think maybe he thinks, well I can hand over a card and get what I want to eat, I wonder if I can get if I pull the HELL out of my mother's shirt?  I don't know.  We're hoping it passes.  
  • What else.  Same as always, he is the love of my life and also driving me crazy.  

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you post on Anthony's blog. I just think he is such a neat kid and there's no denying he is absolutely beautiful too.

    Hopefully sometime you can post some more pictures of him. Glad his sisters are getting to join him at school and LOVE how your daughter called autism "thesaurus!" That is so funny!!
