Monday, April 29, 2013

Five Things

Okay, I started this on Friday!  I'm determined to do Anthony's Five Things (for Friday) and Maria's and then I'll be caught up.

1.  We went to art class again this week, he has not had a bad time like he did the second week again, but I wouldn't say he loves it.  He doesn't love all that sitting!  This week we took a lot of breaks and jumped up and down.  I have to say something about the art teachers - that is probably not the right title.  They are art teachers but they are also like Master Artists or something so I don't mean anything bad against them but they are Anthony's art teachers and I know that for sure, so that's what I'll say.  Anyway, they are so nice.  I appreciate them so much, they are patient and talented but mostly they are KIND.  The clay teacher always signs to Anthony and even though she never asked if he used signs, she makes the effort and I appreciate it and I bet Anthony does too, even though he maybe doesn't show it, ha!  The art teacher doesn't even blink, really, when we get up and jump around or Anthony tries to drink the paint.  They are so nice and beyond welcoming.  If you know anyone who would benefit from a community type class, you should look it up at Very Special Arts of Indiana.

2.  What else.  Anthony gets a note home every day, saying what he did, how he did toilet wise, if he needs any supplies, etc. Last week one of his therapists said that when he was waving BYE to someone he said "peace out".  Is that possible?  I want to investigate further, I mean I know they don't LIE, but ... peace out?  Anthony?

3.  I hate the movie Forrest Gump. I mean, I hate it a LOT and I really hated the book - Forrest goes to space with a monkey in the book, what the hell?  It's been on a lot lately and I find myself loving it, loving that Forrest Gump.  I love the thought that even though nobody had any faith in him ever being anything, his mother believed in him and he had such a great life.  Ugh, Anthony - making me love FORREST GUMP!

4.  Anthony had such a crappy morning yesterday that we brought the bounce house inside!  It's been cold and or rainy for months and now it's getting warmer but it's so muddy!  So anyway, he liked it, I think.  He still had a not-great day but it was better than it would have been, I bet.

5.  He went swimming at the Monon Center the other day, with school, and he loved it.  She said he went down the slide a lot.  I am hoping this summer to be able to take him to a not super busy Y around here and go to open swim sometime.  He loves it a lot and while I don't wish we had a pool, I am going to try to get him to a not-crowded-and-therefore-complicated pool more often this summer so he can do something he likes.

6.  (BONUS!) He should be starting with a new OT soon.  I am praying he can go on Tuesday nights at 6:00 so it doesn't affect my work schedule but we'll see.  I think it's going to be really good for him, I'll keep you all posted.

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