Friday, May 31, 2013

Five for Friday - On Friday!

  1. Anthony is supposed to go for a field trip today to a park but it's pretty rainy so I don't know if he'll go.  I almost hope he doesn't, because he didn't have any clean shorts so he had to wear sweat pants.  I swear if I don't do laundry for ONE DAY, and PLENTY of it, we are behind.  
  2. He switched therapists this week.  He is supposed to switch every 12 weeks but this has been like seven months with his afternoon therapist.  He'll miss her and I know she'll miss him too.  It's hard, he has so many changes and he really doesn't seem to care but how do I know unless he starts to freak out?  
  3. We are finished with art class.  I am hoping to find something else this summer that he can do, something more like swimming or horseback riding.  Everything is so expensive and/or daunting, insurance company wise, I hate to do it.  We got a letter this week from Mike's insurance company, demanding to know if we have other insurance, and reminding us that we have to TELL THEM if we do!  Go to hell, I think.  Mike has been contributing to his insurance for 18 years or whatever the hell, they don't even cover Anthony's ABA, shut up.  Jerks.  
  4. Anthony is doing very well with the potty stuff - my mom was here with him yesterday, I had taken the girls to Maria's tap recital and Mike was coming home a little late to take Anthony to swimming.  My mom said he just seemed a little funny, so she asked him to go to the potty and he did, he pooped and peed on the potty!  So exciting. 
  5. What else.  Oh, he has two weeks off at Christmas and I am mad about it.  Last year they just had off on like Christmas eve and Christmas and then the weekend and then the same for New Year's Eve/Day, but this year they have the whole damned time off.  It makes me mad because that is guaranteed to be not just bad but horrible for all of us, and there is nowhere to go  because everywhere will be really crazy and crowded because EVERYONE will be on break.  Also, it's wintertime so we could conceivably have off for snow days right around then.  It's awful to have so much of your life under someone else's control. 

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