Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 21 of Lent

This is hardest with Anthony, I'm finding, to do my positive things for every day of Lent, because we are going through such a hard time with him right now!  There have been many times over the last ten years that we have had such dark times and then something got better, and I'm hoping that's the case now.  Yesterday the lady from the dog place called and left a message and of course I have called back four times today and she's not in yet.  I wonder what she's going to tell us.  Will she say that they have a dog for us?  If she does, that means a lot of work.  It means that we will have to go for two weeks of full time training, it means a lot of work for us and if our last visit was any indication, it means that we will be covered in dog hair for the rest of our lives, ha!  I am worried about a lot of things but I am never worried that Anthony isn't up to the challenge, that he isn't smart enough or tenacious enough to make this work.

Last night he was being so rough with me, really pushing me around and I asked Mike to just take him up to bed, I was so over it.  I hate being mad at him but it's so, so challenging at the end of the day when everyone ELSE is being bad too.  Anthony was super tired, he woke up at 3:30 Sunday morning and stayed up until like 11:00 that night, which must have been so hard on him, so I'm guessing he was tired.  He went to bed pretty early last night and Mike and I were worried that he'd wake up super early again but he just had a good night's rest, which is a big relief.  But anyway last night he was being just awful and I think maybe he wanted to go to bed, so he was badly behaved so that he'd have to go.

Anyway, my point is that I am not worried that Anthony won't do whatever it takes to feel better and to be happier, I know he can do it.  I hope that Mike and I are up to the task!


  1. Leeann2:03 PM

    I am so, so hopeful that you are going to find out that they have a dog for Anthony. Praying that is the case!

  2. If anyone can do this..it's you, Mike & Anthony!! I keep you in my prayers 💜🐕
