Monday, March 02, 2015

Day 8 of Lent

Fun fact:  when I was writing the last entry on this blog, Anthony came in and spit water right at my head!  I couldn't think of a way to turn that into a good thing, in fact I was CRYING I was so frustrated, so I didn't mention it last time.  Now I am thinking that him spitting water at me was inventive (he wanted to express his extreme displeasure to me and he did), shows sticktoitivness, (he had to drink in the kitchen and keep the water in his mouth all the way to the livingroom where I was sitting) and his fun loving nature (spit take!).  It's kind of a reach, but I am willing to stretch myself, for Lent.  :)

He started back at Little Star full time today, it is a major relief.  I feel like we have lost a lot of ground in the last six months so I am looking forward to some catching up!  I pray he gets back on track with regard to toilet training, and also not pushing us around so much, and I really hope he and Felicity can get along.

Yesterday he was eating Thin Mints, which he really likes, and Maria asked for one.  He took a small bite of the one he was eating and then gave it to her and she said, smiling, "well I didn't want a BITTEN one, but I will take it".  He gives us anything and we take it as such a gift!  That is his gift.


  1. Leeann2:10 PM

    I love this in a million different ways!

  2. I'm so happy to hear he's back at Little Star f/t!! I love your positive, funny ways to describe water being spit at!! You rock! Another reason Anthony is smart...he knows a good cookie, I love Thin Mints too 😁. Love you all!
