Thursday, November 04, 2010


We have a nice deck right off the back of our new house, and it's a super nice yard. It's only about half fenced, so we're going to have it fenced the rest of way soon after we move in, weather permitting. Our lives changed for the WAY better (to quote Maria) once we got this fence. It was like a whole extra room, to me. Of course, it's not the same for us since Anthony got OUT through the gate, but even now we feel pretty secure knowing that it's shut, we just have to check it more. When I think of him getting out that day, and us running around with no shoes on trying to find him, it scares the life out of me. I have literally never been so scared in my life. I just thank God that I had JUST put clothes on him so I knew what he was wearing. He was wearing his Fruit Loops shirt and his tan shorts, fyi. :) So if he ever gets out again and happens to be wearing those clothes, I'll for sure remember, ha!

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1 comment:

  1. We also have a fenced backyard, which improves my life sooo much! It is a problem once they know how to work the gates though.
