Saturday, November 06, 2010


Well, I have fallen down already about posting every day!  So this is yesterday's.  I was going to post this cute video of Anthony talking for Amy.  We have been just doing the home therapy at home for the past few weeks and it's going pretty well.  He has had a good week, a LOT of talking, a lot of independent requests - 67 on one day this week and 64 another day.  He is so sweet and I like the idea of getting it on video.  BUT I have Windows 7 and it isn't compatible with my camcorder and I'm super mad about it and have spent waaaay too much time working on it so I am putting it away.  Maybe I will ask for Yet Another Flip for Christmas and maybe no one will drop it on the ground and break it.  THEN maybe I can have some video.  Waah.  I am still feeling very sorry for myself about it so I'm going to cut this off and have it count for yesterday and I'll post some pictures and pith later.

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