Anyway, the Parents Night Out went really well! The girls weren't able to go because I messed up the paperwork, I blame the lady who runs it but it could be me, I suppose. We went and got him at like 9:00 and not 10:00 and he had had not one but TWO accidents and was wearing a giant pair of shorts held up with a rubber band when we got there, but still - it went okay. He did it! He did it and he didn't go crazy and attack any medically fragile children, so I'm calling it a win. I never see him the way other people do, though. We walked in to Easter Seals Crossroads, I mean, you are basically not there unless you have some sort of Special Need, right? So we walk in and tell the dude at the desk that we are there for Parents Night Out and that man cut his eyes at us and said doubtfully, how old is he? I said "he's 12!", and breezed right by him. The cut off is 13, I know, and he is big and tall for his age but man! How welcoming! What a lovely and warm human to have at the front desk!
I have been taking him to speech on Tuesday and Little Star on Wednesday so Mike can get to his draconian office on time and it's been going well. It's not great, he is sometimes crazy with me, but it's been OKAY plus it's nice to spend more time with him. Sometimes I feel like I never see him and then I think, I don't want to see him, I don't want to get hit in the face all the time. BUT then I think maybe he is hitting me in the face because he misses me? Not in a Streetcar Named Desire way but like, he is trying to get my attention? So we will see, things are going okay with him and me so maybe more time together will be good.
What else. He needs a haircut. I dread it but we will probably have to do it soon. He is so tall, I kind of can't blame that guy for saying he looked older, he was like a giant among Liliputians that night at the Parents Night Out thing. I swear he is taller every morning when he wakes up than when he went to sleep.
Lately he has been using his iPad for saying how he feels - not with me but with his speech therapist. She had us make videos of all of us on his iPad, saying hi and that we were at school/work right now but we'd see him later. He has been saying that he missed me and so I guess this is a comfort to him. Everyone is so good, I was like, hey sit here and make a video for Anthony. Say Hi, it's Felicity, I'm at school right now, but I'll see you later! and she just did it. They love the camera, ha!
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